This will skip the whole phase and still grant the extra gallery picture required for an achievement later.Īlternatively, you can set up an auto-clicker to go through the dialogue, but it's still way faster doing the auto-save load method. Perfect! Monika Write a perfect poem for Monika.Ĭhoose Monika but don't press the skip button during the next scene at all (CTRL or Skip in hud). Try to finish one within 20 seconds.Īny% WR attempts Write a poem in 20 seconds or less.
Pick any words during poem scenes in Act II. Perfect! Sayori Write a perfect poem for Sayori.Doki Doki Poetry Slam Spend enough time during the poem minigame for the music to loop.Īfter finishing the game (which in reality is just Act I), click on Load Game and try to load the autosave. Note: Save and then reload if none of the options is available. Sadness, Scars, Shame, Silly, Sing, Smile, Sparkle, Special, Sunny, Sunset, Sweet Passion, Peaceful, Pain, Party, Play, Prayer, Precious, Promise
Happiness, Heart, Holiday, Hope, Hopeless, Hurt Choose only from the following words during the poem scenes in Act I::Ĭalm, Charm, Cheer, Childhood, Clumsy, Color, Comfort, Cryĭance, Dark, Daydream, Dazzle, Death, Defeat, DepressionĮmbrace, Empty, Excitement, Extraordinaryįamily, Fear, Feather, Fireflies, Fireworks, Flower, Flying, Forgive, Friends, Fun